Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Tuesday 20th March

Jordie went back to school today, but Alex still poorly so he stayed off school again.
It's so quiet during the day, but I saw Christina from over the road and met some mums on the way to school. The schooling here is so different, and we are all confused. The boys are doing great and just getting on with it, but behind the scenes it's very different so I'm going to have to set up appointments to see the teachers and the principle. They just all seem to think we know what we are doing even though we have just got here from England, and their grading and testing systems are so different.
And the big tests are coming up which say if the kids move up a grade or not! Even just in Elementary school! They are test obsessed! and everything is about grades and points and extra credit??!?
I'm so proud of these three boys. They have just taken it all in their stride. From the first day of walking into a strange classroom and having everyone look at them, and opening strange books and just doing the work! Everything is very different, and when you think Tedder had approx. 100 children in and this school has approx 650!!!
It must be so hard to sit at a strange desk next to strange children and watch your mum leave the room.
Brad the Builder - Can he fix it?- came and helped measure up our property line so I can get quotes for a fence around the back yard. Then when it's up, put sulphur around the outside of it to keep the snakes out! Although really, that is not the only reason. I'm just not used to everyone's gardens running into each others with no fences, and I want to get a puppy.
Did homework , with the dining table groaning under the weight of their books, had dinner, and then Ethan and I went to Publix. Again met a very nice young man who packed our groceries and loaded them in the car. Now I know they do this for everyone, but we have to spend twenty minutes explaining where we come from and why we are here. it's fun ....but it adds hours to shopping weekly!
Had a call from Jan, (come on....keep up - Jan from accounts at Digby!!) and we are all going over for dinner tomorrow. Got to look out for house with a Union Jack outside! Oh Yes!!! It will match my truck!

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