Saturday, 3 March 2007

Car Shopping

Spent the morning talking to Noelle, trying to call Mum and Dad, and later went looking at cars. Our van is coming but we need another car while we are here and I really want an SUV. Looking at Chevy Tahoe or Suburban, or maybe a Dodge Durango. The sales people are really hard core! You have to almost get in your car and drive off while they are still trying to talk to you cos they won't take no for an answer!
Had lots of texts but worried not everyone has realised my phone number has changed as I had so much trouble sending out a text to tell everyone. Fingers crossed. But just in case I also still have my English sim and will put it in and check for messages. My phone and this computer are my life lines!!
Came back and Jordie called Andy and the boys and I got to speak to Tony! My cycling friend! So good to speak to you Howard.
Had dinner at T Bonez. Steak restaurant in case you couldn't tell! Just sitting watching School Of Rock! Cind is texting me and I'm having a glass of wine.

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