Thursday, 1 March 2007

March first. Tornado watch again!

Mr. Smith got us all up early. He is fed up of me and boys rolling out of bed about midday. Can't see a problem with it myself, but hey!who am I?
Rang Mary to arrange Happy Hour with the girls. It is going to be tomorrow night at 'Wild Wing Cafe'. Cant wait! Mary has been good and been to the gym already.
Went to post office to post off Maple to the Carol to pass it on to preschool, and some cards and letters back to England.
Looked at furniture again and then went to 'Atlanta Bread Company' for lunch. It's like a salad, sandwich, and soup restaurant meets 'Starbucks'.
Came home and had a snooze. See what happens when you get me up early!!
It has rained all day, we have had a tornado watch but nothing more. Some cracking thunder and lightening, ( ha ha sorry- sometimes I just like to amuse myself), might start building an ark though. Just in case!
Spoke to Tersha about her and Tina coming tomorrow night to meet us and having a drink, (Tersh and Tina are from Digby and are out here on a course. Tina is lovely and Tersh and her boyfriend Martin are my 'lovely girl and boy'. I have a hat ready in the closet but don't tell them!!)Unfortunately they are off to '1st Friday Down Town' which is a bit of a party night held....wait for it...first friday of every month!!! So we will probably meet up next week.
My brother Danny - hereby known as Little Man, as that is what I have called him since I was little, rang Tuesday night and said he had trouble leaving a comment on the blog. His password was invalid or something. Now, is he the only one having trouble? He is still reading this every day so maybe someone can drop a comment at the end of this as to explain what he could do. I miss my family very much, Steve if your reading this I hope your ok, and I would love to read their comments. Rang Mum and Dad last night but couldn't ring Little Man.
Now sitting and waiting for Grandaddy to arrive. Bad weather delayed his start and he is expected here at about 10pm tonight.
Still on tornado watch but warning is in effect about 25 miles away!! I know I'm probably worrying about nothing, as Mr. Smith likes to keep telling me, but the boys and I are new to all this.

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