Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Big Hair Day!

Well Tuesday came and went without much excitement. Having a two week detox with Kirst. Is it really only day two!?!
Wednesday morning - got to go and register as a new patient with the doctor. An hour and half later!!! Still least it's done.
I had booked myself my first hair cut in America, on the recommendation of Diane, the Scots lady I see at school. With explicit instructions on making a booking first and only going to one girl - off I went.
One hell of a big hair do later, back I came. It wasn't a bad cut and blow dry, it was just big. I know I love Dolly, but I don't want to look like her. I mean this hair was seriously big. As big as Godzilla big! In fact while the Giant Lizard was rampaging through Tokyo and the people needed somewhere to hide, they could have hidden in my hair! The whole nation!! Needless to say there are no photos!
How much will it cost for me to fly Danny over to do my hair!!
The boys brought their report cards home. All A's B's and one C. One that is, between all three of them! They are great. It was a good day for a treat so what better day for Jen's Cadburys Chocolate to arrive from England? I didn't expect so much, but Thank You very much Jen and Martin! You are very naughty but very kind! The boys are in heaven!


SouthCroydonKirst said...

Babe it feels like longer than 2 days although I KNOW we can stick to it ! Helps a LOT Ive been ill !!!!

surrey chick in Georgia said...

day four but i think I'm about to crack babe, either that or hurt someone!!!